I am Bob Craige and would be happy to service Nagra TA and all other Nagra products. Indeed, I am both factory authorized and trained in Switzerland. In fact, I am the only factory authorized service in the US for the Nagra T (includes TRVR, TI and TA) and the Nagra D-Nagra's two most advanced and complex tape machines ever. I have been servicing these superb machines for decades as my exclusive business.
As to the statement that Nagra discontinued support for analog machines in January of 2009, this is simply false. Some of the earlier machines are indeed out of support by the factory, but I will continue to support these machines as long as I am able to.
It is important to note that all of these machines have large associated required tooling, fixtures and supporting equipment not to mention training, mandatory to properly service them. Again, I am the only facilitiy in the US with the requisite suite of these tools. In fact, for the Nagra D, I am the only other facilitiy worldwide outside the factory in Switzerland.
Neither of the facilities mentioned in earlier links are fully trained nor properly equipped for the very demanding requirements of servicing the Nagra T faimily nor the Nagra D.
I can be contacted via email at bobcraige (at) aol.com
I look forward to servicing your Nagra needs.