We transferred both the Respighi and the Copland at the same time. Most of the tapes have been duped, and the artwork is just about finished (as I understand...that's actually Doc's department.) I believe that these are in line to ship next, though I heard a rumor that there's a supply chain problem with one small part. Doc can update that when he has time. He's traveling right now for the HeadFi meet tomorrow.
We expect that the Series Three titles will be complete albums as they originally came out. But it's always possible that we'll surprise ourselves before we're done.
Thank you for taking time to answer my question. On September 16th you posted the following: "Keith and I finally got a chance to get together and transfer the tapes for both Church Windows and Nojima Plays Liszt. We'll get started duplicating Church Windows next week, so it will probably be the next title shipped." There was no mention of Copland's Appalachian Spring Suite as part of the mix. It wasn't until February 9th (5 months later) that Doc mentioned, OBTW "Tam and Keith are planning a re-release of this album and for this they made the decision to combine Church Windows with Copland's Appalachian Spring Suite..." Then Doc went on to say that TTP
would follow suit. This did not sound like something that was already 'in the can'. Perhaps Church Windows was not a big seller so combining it with Appalachian Spring would make sense from a business perspective but I think this should have been mentioned five months ago?
I certainly can't speak for others but is it any wonder people are not committing to Series Three before all the titles are settled on? I realize what you guys are doing is not easy work, far from it but an outlay of $3000 without any idea of what you'll end up with, or when, is not an easy decision, even with a 10 percent discount. Again I thank you for your time.