I have learned to set the bias and trim the recording levels on my new Ampex ATR-102, thanks to instructions from Paul Stubblebine. Fortunately I have 3 sets of audio cards for the 102 where the bias and level settings are made. All my recordings are being done at 15ips 2 track. I am currently using three different types of tape to record: ATR Mastering, SM468, and SM911. The ATR tape is all half inch, the SM911 is all quarter inch. So I have used one set of cards for the ATR and another set of cards for SM911 and just switch cards, rather than having to rebias every time I switch tapes. However, I have both half inch and quarter inch SM468 tapes. I have set the bias and levels for the half inch with my third set of cards. I was wondering if those settings would work for the 1/4" SM468 tape also. It would save me from having to rebias and change level settings when I switch between those two. The problem with the Ampex cards is that I don't see any easy way to restore an old set of settings on the cards.
Thanks, Larry