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Author Topic: New Book on Sonny Rollins  (Read 9469 times)

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New Book on Sonny Rollins
« on: August 28, 2010, 02:46:34 PM »
I just read a review of "Saxophone Colossus: A Portrait of Sonny Rollins" by Bob Blumenthal and John Abbott. It is being released on September 1, published by Abrams.  The book got a rave review - only 160 pages long, but with over 90 photographs by famed jazz photographer John Abbott.  The review is in today's (August 28) Financial Times.  The story is told in 5 essays, each one named for a track in the SC album. Also according to the review, the story of how the album was recorded is told.  I checked Amazon and the price is $23.
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