- Total Time Spent Online:
- 11 days, 9 hours and 16 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 364 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 55 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
TP-027, Jerry Garcia / David Grisman wins a Writer's Choice Award from Myles Astor of Positive Feedback Online
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- 12 pm
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- General Discussion
80 posts of the member's 364 posts (21.98%)80
- Tape Project Albums - general
78 posts of the member's 364 posts (21.43%)78
- Reel to Reel Tape Machines
71 posts of the member's 364 posts (19.51%)71
- Events
25 posts of the member's 364 posts (6.87%)25
- Tape Tech
21 posts of the member's 364 posts (5.77%)21
- Suggestion Box
17 posts of the member's 364 posts (4.67%)17
- Raw Tape
15 posts of the member's 364 posts (4.12%)15
- Tape Project Machines
13 posts of the member's 364 posts (3.57%)13
- Prerecorded Tapes
8 posts of the member's 364 posts (2.20%)8
- Service Resources
4 posts of the member's 364 posts (1.10%)4
- The Chieftains-Foxhunt
1 posts of the board's 1 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Tape Project News
1 posts of the board's 1 posts (100.00%)100.00%
- Doc & Merle Watson
3 posts of the board's 4 posts (75.00%)75.00%
- Istomin: Mozart Piano Concertos
2 posts of the board's 3 posts (66.67%)66.67%
- Forum Rules
2 posts of the board's 3 posts (66.67%)66.67%
- Willy and the Poor Boys
4 posts of the board's 22 posts (18.18%)18.18%
- Stage Fright
4 posts of the board's 23 posts (17.39%)17.39%
- Nojima Plays Liszt
2 posts of the board's 18 posts (11.11%)11.11%
- Church Windows/Appalachian Spring Suite
3 posts of the board's 30 posts (10.00%)10.00%
- Heart Like a Wheel
2 posts of the board's 26 posts (7.69%)7.69%