Can you believe it? Tape Project is ten years old! Thanks to everyone who has supported us in introducing studio quality tape reproduction to the audiophile community!

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Messages - TomR

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Reel to Reel Tape Machines / Trying to clear up my confusion
« on: June 20, 2008, 01:12:45 PM »
I am sure if I read through all of the posts it would be  entirely clear - but want to check. If I understand all correctly, any 15 ips 2 track machine will play the Tape Project tapes, as long as it is equalized for IEC. However, best performance will be achieved by bypassing the native electronics of the machine and modifying it to connect directly from the heads to a better preamp such as a Bottlehead.

Do I have that right?

Under this scenario, a new Otari would work straight out of the box. BTW, how hard is it to switch between IEC and NAD on that unit.

Also what happens to the other functions of the deck after modification? Does it become playback only? If it has a four track playback head (I believe the Otari does) can that still be used?


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