I think you've got it, but your understanding as stated may get misinterpreted. You state:
"So, even though the seduction is a tube design that does not mean it will mate best with and give really extended response with old tube era heads no matter what kind of shape they are in or if they were state of the art in 1960."
It really has nothing to do with the seduction being "a tube design". Indeed it really has nothing to do with the Seduction. The seduction is what it is, one approach, and as such represents certain trade-offs, JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE! (Actually, I personally think the selection of those trade-offs in the Seduction are rather nicely and artfully made.)
As time has moved on there have indeed been appreciable changes and improvements in head design and tape formulations. Some of those changes may seem like one-step forward, two steps back, for anyone who has ever had to deal with sticky-shed syndrome for example. There are always trade-offs. The NAB standard in particular was, as you correctly sense (if I'm getting you correctly), directed to making the most of the situation in the trade-offs as they existed back then. However, just like the QWERTY keyboard (which was designed to slow down a typist so the keys wouldn't get stuck so often), a standard can also be limiting, as time and advances move forward. What Doc and Paul and Michael are showing us, and sharing with us, is that with the advances in materials/manufacturing techniques/audio circuit understanding, is that a new set of trade-offs can be made which are an exceedingly satisfying and genuine step forward in listening pleasure for those to whom such things delight. (Thanks so-much you guys) Of course they are building on top of something which a few of us fortunate to have had the experience already knew, which is just how good pro-level (15 ips & halftrack) reel-to-reel already sounds.
So while the Seduction has certain trade-offs, they really are not that directly related to the trade-offs in tape formulations/equalization/head design & manufacture. The Seduction will mate as well with old tube era heads mostly just as much as it will with new ones.
Yours truly in tape tomfoolery,