TP-027, Jerry Garcia / David Grisman wins a Writer's Choice Award from Myles Astor of Positive Feedback Online

Author Topic: Work Song  (Read 9993 times)

Offline TomR

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Work Song
« on: May 14, 2016, 01:15:21 PM »
I haven't been very active in this Forum recently, mostly due to the fact that I haven't been listening to my tapes very much, having a very busy work schedule.  15 ips 2 track tapes are there when you are rested and have time to really listen, and life has been too hectic for that.

Well, today I have some forced down time - my water heater went out and I'm waiting for a plumber to show and replace it, so what better use of time than to (finally) unwrap tape 28 and give it a listen! 

Well, call me impressed. I am not familiar with the LP issue of this recording, but I do know that this tape really swings. I don't know that I have enjoyed hearing a new tape as much as this since Brilliant Corners.

Well done, guys!
Thomas Ream

Technics RS1520(not yet modified)/Nottingham Space 294 w/Koetsu Black and Simaudio LP5.3/Sony XA9000ES/ReVox A-77/Simaudio I-7/B&W 804's