TP-028, Nat Adderley's Work Song is now available

Author Topic: Surfin' with the Astronauts  (Read 5933 times)

Offline 30ips

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Surfin' with the Astronauts
« on: June 22, 2014, 08:15:38 AM »
Don't laugh, it's one of the best recorded albums you will ever hear. Get the original RCA Dynagroove LP or the Japanese BMG CD (the sound on Bear Family and box set issues are not as good) and you will see what I mean. I have been killing people with this for 45 years. A really tight and professional touring rock and frat group is signed by RCA to compete with the surf sounds of the day by the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, etc. They learn to play surf music in a week or so and head for RCA Studio A in LA, where Al Schmidt and Dave Hassenger are waiting for them. The cavernous echo of the monster studio plus all (now) vintage Fender gear including tube outboard reverb units and JBL/Showman amps create an amazing sound - get the record. Also, the musicianship is first rate (check out Misirlou if you really want to hear a great version of this song). One of my life's goals is to hear the master tape of this session...

What a TP selection this would be - totally different genre.

Andy Pennella
Andy Pennella

I listen with the finest yard sale and Craigslist equipment. Twin SONY APR's, Crown 822, and an Otari MTR12 - total $900...what a country!