Hey, the original post may have been deleted but this seems like a dandy time to bring up these "Sonic Spectacular" tapes and other such guilty pleasures.
The young folks among us probably won't know this, but sound effect records and tapes were pretty darn big in the early days of hi-fi. Especially with the advent of Stereo and the record companies efforts to get folks to replace their mono record collection with the new technology. These records and tapes featured stuff like steveidosound mentioned (I always had a special spot in my heart for gun shots and the guy coming in the door stage left, walking through, and leaving though a door,stage right).
So here it is folks. What's your favorite?
Here's mine;
Bob and Ray Thow a Stereo Spectacular subtiled; Bob and Ray Visit Dr. Ahkbar at the Castle
with Skitch Henderson, Lena Horne, The Melachrino Orchestra, Radio City Music Hall Organ, Sauter-Finegan an Schory's New Percussion Ensemble.
RCA CPS-199 7 1/2 ips half track
Being a scifi horror fan, what more could you ask for. This was released in 1958 and I found it in a used record store and I'd guess it had only been played a couple of times. It's wound tails out which I believe results in proper storage winding by those who don't know any better.
Great sound (a little hissy as any tape of this era is), funny and a huge variety of sounds and music. I've seen this on eBay for bargain prices but not very often.