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Topics - Greg Beron

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Prerecorded Tapes / John Lee Hooker, Canned Heat - Hooker 'N Heat
« on: September 12, 2015, 03:07:14 PM »
I received my Hooker N' Heat tape and I really like it!
I would recommend it to anyone, talk about your late night bourbon drinking music.
Very 3-D and enveloping sound, great stuff.

Events / T.H.E. Show Newport June 1-3 2012
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:20:27 PM »
United Home Audio (UHA) will be in room 1023 at the Hilton Hotel teamed up with Von Schweikert Audio and Jolida.
We'll have a new UHA-Q series Phase9 tape deck in all new attire for the show. Hey it's a show so I say let's see something new and have some fun, right? As usual UHA will have the awesome Tape Project Tapes from all three series spinning throughout the show. Gotta love the new selections from Series three.

Jolida will show a new EL-34 based prototype amp and also prototype CD transport DAC (if anyone here cares about DAC's).

Von Schweikert will have the new $26K VR-44 speakers with powered internal subs. That should be great for balancing the bass in those super boomy Hilton Hotel rooms.

If you attend the show please stop by and say hi, I'll be the guy running the music.

Everyone in Washington DC / Baltimore / Philadelphia / New Jersey / Richmond /
take notice of the first Capital Audiofest at the beautiful Glenview Mansion in Rockville MD!

This beautiful large 19th century mansion is a fantastic place to feature some great sound. Audio shows like Rocky Mountain Audiofest or The Consumer Electronics Show take place in hotel rooms for the most part, this will be quite different!

Visit the United Home Audio room and hear The Tape Project tapes played on the UHA-HQ Reel To Reel decks. United Home Audio will be in the large 30' x 33' "Living Room" venue immediately to the right as you walk in the front door. In this large venue the sound of master tapes will be fantastic!

UHA will have two high end MBL systems (yes they are expensive and sound fantastic!) playing reel to reel decks featuring The Tape Project master tapes, plus a few surprises!

The date for this unique and exciting event is set for June 11-13, 2010 at the historic Glenview Mansion located on the grounds of the Rockville Civic Center in Rockville, MD. The venue is approximately 5 minutes from downtown Rockville, MD, 10 miles north of Washington DC and 45 minutes south of Baltimore, MD and has plenty of parking. The Glenview Mansion is a charming historic structure that was constructed in the 19th century by a local family and is surrounded by lovely parkland and well groomed grounds. The structure is very well constructed with stone, brick, plaster, old growth wide-plank hardwood floors and has high ceilings throughout. These qualities are near perfect for the reproduction of music and is a favorite venue for local performances. We believe it to be an ideal setting to hold the first ever hi-fi audio show in the Washington DC Capital area.

For any questions concerning table rentals, room rentals, availability, pricing etc. please contact Gary Gill at [email protected].

We plan to make this a casual fun-filled event for audiophiles, music lovers, music media and audio gear collectors, hobbyists, DIYers, dealers and manufacturers and will have table space, booths and rooms available for use. Families will also enjoy the beautiful park like setting along with great food and beverage. The event is expected to attract those interested in high quality vacuum tube and transistor audio equipment, analog and digital playback sources, buying and selling of LP records and CDs, and manufacturers of audio accessories from the Baltimore - Washington DC Metropolitan Area and beyond. The event will be catered by quality food and beverage vendors and plan to have live musical performances on two evenings as well as an indoor audio swap meet on Sunday AM. We hope to provide something of interest to all music lovers and look forward to seeing you at this exciting event!

Friday June 11
7:00AM - 11:00AM: Event Setup
11:00AM - 7:00PM: Event Open
7:30PM - 9:30PM: Music Event
10:00PM Closed (Security Provided)
Saturday June 12
9:00AM - 11:00AM: Event Setup
11:00AM - 7:00PM: Event Open
7:30PM - 9:30PM: Music Event
10:00PM Closed (Security Provided)
Sunday June 13
8:00AM - 11:00AM: Swap Meet
9:00AM - 11:00AM: Event Setup
11:00AM - 6:00PM: Event Open
6:00PM - 9:00PM: Cleanup

Now Advertising in the March issue of Stereophile and on-line with and ! Be sure to link to our site for updates.


Jonathan Valin has again mentioned The Tape Project tapes as the best source he has ever heard!

This newest statement is in his latest blog on web site regarding the new Magneplanar 1.7 speakers.

Quotes from the blog:
"and fed by the best sources I?ve heard?the Walker Proscenium Black Diamond Mk II record player with Da Vinci Reference Grandezza Mk II cartridge and the ?Level 5? United Home Audio TASCAM 15ips, two-track tape deck playing back fabulous second-generation mastertapes from The Tape Project."

"5. Their soundstaging is simply the best I?ve heard from a dipole. With the right source (like The Tape Project?s dub of Reference Recording's Arnold Overtures?horrible music, great sound"

Funny thing, I know many people that have hated the Arnold Overtures on CD but were profoundly amazed by it on The Tape Project tape. It seems like a common statement after hearing the "B" side of the tape is "I have goose bumps".
You know... I think that's what Malcolm intended. 

Picture from the blog, you can even see a Tape Project tape on the tape deck!

STEREOPHILE MAGAZINE: March issue page 17.
Washington DC / Maryland / Virginia
THE STAPLE SINGERS Be Altitude: Respect Yourself

Saturday March 6 and also Saturday March 20
12 noon - 4pm at
United Home Audio
10820 Guilford Road
Suite 209
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701

Hear this fantastic just released Tape Project Master Tape on The UHA-HQ Reel to reel deck with a $100,000 MBL audio system.

This was their fourth Stax album, with the Luther Ingram and Sir Mack Rice composed hit 'Respect Yourself'.
Engineer Jerry Masters recorded at the Muscle Shoals Sound Studio in Alabama, he was going for that jumpy Jamaican, early reggae feel on 'Respect Yourself', I think he got it.

This album also features the soul and reggae flavoured number one smash, 'I'll Take You There', written by Bell on Mavis Staples's living room floor, (with some uncredited input from her).

Arnold Overtures / This is what I want my audio to sound like.
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:51:51 PM »
United Home Audio has shown at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2009 and CES 2010 with R2R tape, so far. For these shows Paul Stubblebine has made us some great compilation tapes of the Series1 and Series2 artists for demo. Now all the tapes are great, but the tape that consistently gets on the deck is the Arnold Overtures. I guess it's the dynamic swings and huge passages of intense three dimensional sound. This is so impressive and considering that you have no more that a fleeting few minutes to impress someone at a show, Arnold Overtures does the job.
So, my professional openion is buy this tape before it's gone! I am going to buy one myself and put it up for prosperity!

General Discussion / TTP and the UHA HQ R2R on The Absolute Sound web site
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:19:26 AM »
Important news:
Jonathan Valin Executive Editor of The Absolute Sound magazine will be reviewing The Tape Project tapes and the United Home Audio UHA-HQ R2R in an upcoming issue of The Absolute Sound magazine. 

Mr. Valin is currently in possession of 4 Tape Project tapes (with more going to him when available), and a United Home Audio UHA-HQ Phase5 tape deck. I spent the weekend with Jonathan and personally set the tape deck up for him in his listening room, while there I covered all the basics of operating the deck. Jonathan has had some experience with R2R so covering both listening to, and recording on R2R was easy. I can tell you that he is a prolific listener; the two days I was there we listened from late morning till after midnight! No wonder the man has been a reviewer all these years, he likes his job. I can also tell you that he was very impressed with both the tapes and the tape deck and I assume there will be a very exciting review forthcoming.

Jonathan has started a blog on The Absolute Sound web site about all this, do check it out!

You may find some comments made by people on the blog have varying degrees of accuracy, or just don't hold up based on your listening experiences with TTP tapes. I seriously doubt that the naysayers on the blog in spite of all their theoretical evidence have ever heard a TTP tape. So you may want to share some of your actual listening experiences with your TTP tapes. There are almost 4000 hits on the blog, so I would say it is pretty popular; however a title like "The Ultimate Source Component" should get some interest.

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