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Author Topic: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests  (Read 9516 times)

Offline JoeG

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Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:04:53 AM »
OK all you subscribers, we've had the tapes in our listening rooms long enough to begin to formulate some very definite opinions. I am interested in your favorite tape to play for visiting audiophiles and non-audiophile guests. That tape that shows just how special this project is (I know, they are all special). But each of you must have an opinion about which of them really lets the medium and your system shine.

My choice: TP-007 "Exotic Dances from the Opera" The dynamics, soundstage and performance even get to the most hard-core vinylphile. If I haven't said it yet on these forums: Doc, Romo, and Paul, this one is an out-of-the-park grand slam. Thank you!!
Joe Galbraith
Charter sub #61
J-corder/Bottlehead Technics 1500>King/Cello pre, Bottlehead Seduction, Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature TT>Bluelectric Magic Diamond or Allnic Puritas>Allnic H3000 phono/L3000 line>KR Enterprises Antares>Kharma CE 2.2
Silent Source cable, Walker Audio Velocitors

Offline astrotoy

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2009, 10:50:55 AM »
Joe, I agree Exotic Dances is one of the best. I also like to play the Suite Espagnole. The Arnold Overtures are great, but the pieces are long for a demo.  Larry
Larry Toy CharterMember-BHReproTechnics1506/Akai747dbx/OtariMX5050B3-ClassicalVinylFreak-15Krecs-VPIHRXRimDrv-LyraSkala-HelikonMono-HerronVTSP3A/BHPhonoPre-PacificMicrosonics Model2 - Pyramix&MykerinosCard-OppoNE-Proceed AVP2+6/CVP2-CJ MET1-Cary 2A3SE-AvantgardeDuos-3Solos-VelodyneDD18Sub

Offline Tubes n tapes

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 11:43:59 AM »

In my opinion the Arnold Overtures is the best recording of the lot, but musically it is less interesting and it is indeed less suitable for demonstrations.
In second place, for me, is the 'Exotic Dances'. Also a really great recording. Good demo material as well.
In third place for the recording, but definitely my number one demo tape is the 'Suite Espagnola'. It has some fantastic dynamics and it excites almost everyone, whether they like classical music or not.
Arian Jansen.

SonoruS Audio.
VP of technology of the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society (LAOCAS).
ESL/OTL builder and modest Studer/ReVox collector.

Offline TomR

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2009, 09:35:45 PM »
I've been going with Blackjack David and Creek Bank due to the musical tastes of my visitors.
Thomas Ream

Technics RS1520(not yet modified)/Nottingham Space 294 w/Koetsu Black and Simaudio LP5.3/Sony XA9000ES/ReVox A-77/Simaudio I-7/B&W 804's

Offline ironbut

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2009, 11:47:07 AM »
I've done 5 formal demo's of the Tape Project tapes so far (3 of them 2 day affairs) with probably an average of 25 individual headphone listeners per day. The two tapes that easily get the most ooh's and ahh's is the A tape of both BlackJack David and the Arnold Overtures. BlackJack is the most asked for but the Arnold really has the ability to break barriers with folks that never listen to classical. Both are great demo tapes but for different reasons.

I think that the first two cuts of the Dave Alvin are particularly good at showing several of the great things that these tape can do. The way it begins so simple.  I can't tell you how often listeners will say "Oh my god, that voice is just real!" And then it builds and at that point when the drums come forward if there isn't some nodding or toe tapping, there's something wrong with them or my rig.
With Abilene there's a more complex texture and the dynamic peaks really separate the men from the boys since you can hear all the instruments involved should sound clear and unforced in those peaks. If those peaks get hard or blurred, you have some refining of your playback system to do.

Like I said, the Arnold Overtures, particularly The Smoke, is a great "crossover" demo. I've never seen so many listeners who are totally unfamiliar to classical sit through the entire piece literally glued to the spot. This is obviously much more demanding of the system than the simple combo stuff and many go out and find a copy to use in their own for demos/tests of their own systems after hearing it. Great stuff.

Of course for jazz fans, just the mere mention that I have a tape of "Waltz for Debby" brings them running. At the last demo (CanJam 2009) I played it almost 5 hours straight.

steve koto
 Sony scd 777es(R. Kern mods)> Vpi Aires>Dynavector XX-2mkll>Bent mu>CAT ultimate>CJ premeir 140>Magnepan 1.6qr(Jensen xover)Headphone Eddie Current Zana Deux>AT ad2000,HD800 ,Metric Halo ULN-2 (battery powered),
 HE Audio Jades

Offline jcmusic

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2009, 01:12:44 PM »
I've done 5 formal demo's of the Tape Project tapes so far (3 of them 2 day affairs) with probably an average of 25 individual headphone listeners per day. The two tapes that easily get the most ooh's and ahh's is the A tape of both BlackJack David and the Arnold Overtures. BlackJack is the most asked for but the Arnold really has the ability to break barriers with folks that never listen to classical. Both are great demo tapes but for different reasons.

I think that the first two cuts of the Dave Alvin are particularly good at showing several of the great things that these tape can do. The way it begins so simple.  I can't tell you how often listeners will say "Oh my god, that voice is just real!" And then it builds and at that point when the drums come forward if there isn't some nodding or toe tapping, there's something wrong with them or my rig.
With Abilene there's a more complex texture and the dynamic peaks really separate the men from the boys since you can hear all the instruments involved should sound clear and unforced in those peaks. If those peaks get hard or blurred, you have some refining of your playback system to do.

Like I said, the Arnold Overtures, particularly The Smoke, is a great "crossover" demo. I've never seen so many listeners who are totally unfamiliar to classical sit through the entire piece literally glued to the spot. This is obviously much more demanding of the system than the simple combo stuff and many go out and find a copy to use in their own for demos/tests of their own systems after hearing it. Great stuff.

Of course for jazz fans, just the mere mention that I have a tape of "Waltz for Debby" brings them running. At the last demo (CanJam 2009) I played it almost 5 hours straight.

So Steve,
What do you think is going to happen when you tell them you have, Sonny Rollins and Monk?

Redpoint Model D TT/Soundsmith Sotto Voce Cartridge Otari MX 5050 BII/BH Tube Repro deHavilland Model 222
 Ah Njoe Tjoeb 4000, Rogue Magnum 99, Korneff 45 SET Amp, Klipsch K-Horns Bass Bins/2" Tractrix Horns 2" BMS Drivers, Vintage Tubes.

Offline ironbut

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Re: Favorite TP tape to play for audiophiles and guests
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2009, 04:43:47 PM »
So Steve,
What do you think is going to happen when you tell them you have, Sonny Rollins and Monk?


I think I'll have to forgo the after hours party (which isn't too likely) or bring an espresso machine!

Here's an amusing demo story;

I had one of Paul's demo tapes with selections from the second half of series one at another headphone demo. St. Thomas from Sax C. was included. Some wise guy vendor who was trying to show off to his buddy by showing that analog was inferior to his DAC mods asked me why the high frequencies were rolled off. I wasn't in the mood to satisfy his need to get into a debate by arguing about the validity of staying true to what is originally on the master tape so I blew him off. In the back of my mind I was thinking that if he couldn't tell that it was a mono recording with headphones than he was only listening until he found some fault with the recording anyway. With those kinds of guys, it has more to do with ego than the music.
steve koto
 Sony scd 777es(R. Kern mods)> Vpi Aires>Dynavector XX-2mkll>Bent mu>CAT ultimate>CJ premeir 140>Magnepan 1.6qr(Jensen xover)Headphone Eddie Current Zana Deux>AT ad2000,HD800 ,Metric Halo ULN-2 (battery powered),
 HE Audio Jades