I'm working up the pricing right now and figuring out the vendor list. This kit and the procedures will be simplified a fair amount from what we do here when we do a tape path mod because most users won't have some of the specialized equipment required for some of the more finicky technical adjustments like a scope, tentelometer, various tension gauges, etc. The kit will probably end up around $150. The kit will include brake pads, adhesive for them, assembly lube, ball bearings to replace the fixed guides and ceramic edge guides for them, sandpaper for honing the ceramic guides, precision ground shims for the bearings, replacement ball bearings for the tension arms, a spring scale, Allen wrenches and chamois swabs. There are some regular maintenance supplies needed that will not be included in the kit, like Formula 409, VM&P Naptha, isopropyl alcohol, a DMM, and some hand tools.