Thanks for the list!
However, I couldn't find any signs of reel to reel here:
Premonition Records
Lyn Stanley
Fone Records
Dangerous Analog
Groove Note
Analog Mastering Services Note, Fone and Opus 3 are handled by Elusive Disc. Type reel on their search engine.
Lyn Stanley's latest release (all analog) engineered by Grammy Award winning engineer Al Schmidt is available directly from from Lyn.
I'm not sure whether or not the Patricia Barber is still available. Jonathan Horwich was duping the tapes for that release.
Dangerous Analog is brand new and we will be introducing the CEO and company at Axpona. They will also have a booth at the marketplace. Their first release will be out this month and their catalog will consist of both new recordings and reissues.
Besides obviously TTP's releases, highly recommend Yarlung, Lutz Precision, Opus 3 and Groove Note!
We've come a long way in just the last three years! When Dan was a member of our first panel at Axpona, there was but a handful of companies releasing 15 ips tapes. That number has tripled since then due to the demand from more and more people buying decks and especially the work of Greg Beron who has carried out a scorched earth policy of trying to get every company on earth to release in the tape format. Not to mention the people buying Greg's UHA decks.