Tape Project Albums > Church Windows/Appalachian Spring Suite
1st Impressions for TP-014
i attended a Headphone Meet (my first, i'm a headphone newbie) at the new Tape Project/Doc B Bottlehead World Headquarters in Bainbridge Island today; so i asked Doc 'is my Chruch Windows/Appalachian Spring tape ready?' 'what number are you?' he says. '34' i says. he walked over to the stack, found it and handed it to me.
i'm listening now to 'Church Windows'....reel one. about half way thru. i have the CD and a couple pressings of the 45rpm Lp for Church Windows....and the 33rpm Lp of the Appalachian Spring. all of which later i'll play.
Church Windows is demo tape quality in sonics. etherial, atmospheric and moody, ending in some spectacular dynamics that bloom and decay in waves and waves. as good as i remember the 45rpm Lp pressing being; it cannot match these dynamics, vividness and explosivness. this is alive!
my system has a pair of powered 15" subwoofers per speaker, decends below 20hz pretty handily, and really gets a workout here.
catchy tune? no. but it got under my skin in a good way and really filled my big room with flowing music. huge soundstage.
just listened to reel one for the second time. i enjoyed it much more the second time thru. maybe i heard it for what it is and not what it isn't.
very nice job on the transfer guys; thanks.
added note; the art work says TP-003, not TP-014?? no big deal, and nothing to worry about, just FYI. the box says TP-014.
Reel 2, Copeland's Appalachian Spring. Original version for 13 instruments.
i planned on posting about it last night, but feel asleep about 5 minutes into reel 2......it had been a long day.....and Appalachian Spring is about as soothing as music gets.
this is a diifferent type of recording than Church Windows. this is a small (13 instruments) group and mic'd more intimately. the hall feels more intimate and there is less pin-point imaging but more rich tonality and emotion. live music does not have the pin-point imaging that some recordings have (and we audiophiles enjoy) and this is more like that. your brain does not care about trying to count the strings on the violins so you relax and let it wash over you. you are transported.
the piece reminds me more of 'Rhapsody in Blue' than classical. the liner notes call it American Populist classical. i love the piece. and listened to the reel three times this morning. better 'Sunday morning music' has not been written.
great playing, full rich recording, great transfer, a winner. thanks. i'll listen to this often for the pleasure of it. Church Windows is more the system demo piece.
--- Quote from: mikel on March 06, 2011, 12:35:36 AM ---
added note; the art work says TP-003, not TP-014?? no big deal, and nothing to worry about, just FYI. the box says TP-014.
--- End quote ---
Oh that graphics guy is impossible to deal with. I will talk to him.
Great to see you at the meet yesterday!
--- Quote from: docb on March 06, 2011, 10:52:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: mikel on March 06, 2011, 12:35:36 AM ---
added note; the art work says TP-003, not TP-014?? no big deal, and nothing to worry about, just FYI. the box says TP-014.
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--- Quote ---Oh that graphics guy is impossible to deal with. I will talk to him.
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the Artwork was first class all the way, don't be too hard on 'that guy' (yourself).
--- Quote ---Great to see you at the meet yesterday!
--- End quote ---
likewise. your facility is really really nice. only outdone by your hospitality.
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Great to hear about the tapes. I have both records and they are demo quality, as are Keith Johnson's records are typically. Can't wait to get mine. Larry
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