Hi Guys
This guy comes into my workshop and asks can you repair my T/P 1500, i say yes i can, he rambles off a few things and says he just got the machine back from T/P. He explains to me he bought the machine off ebay in the states and had it shipped T/P for the modds to be done and then sent to him here in AUS. So now i have the machine up on the bench and im thinking this is not a T/P machine. One of the ceramic tape guides that is fitted with the new bearings is missing, the counter belts are still in place and in tact, the input/output PCB looks like it has been cut with a chainsaw. In my opinion this is in no way a T/P machine. So this leads me to the question, are the 1500 mods available in kit form or can the parts be purchased as single items? Cheers.