I met a person today who is doing some really splendid work cosmetically refurbing Technics tape machines. We are starting discussions about offering a service that might include custom paint jobs and anodizing, custom side panels, custom aluminum feet, and possibly even more adventurous stuff in the future. I will keep you folks posted as we work out the details.
When I walked into his shop he was opening the back of what appeared to be a new RS1506 - which is the model with the 1/4 track record head, plus 1/4 and 1/2 track playback heads. It even had the factory plastic protective coating around the turntables intact. Also has very minty rosewood sidepanels. He said the original owner sold it to him, and that he had been told it had very few hours, like maybe ten.
Anyway, the machine is available. I don't know what the asking price is, or what options are available, but there were lots of stock hub adapters, really nice looking repro Technics reels, one of those wild molded plastic dustcovers for the reels, and even a manual remote in his shop. I imagine some of those things are available as well.
The seller is leaving town for a bit on Thursday. If you are interested, contact me and I'll see if I can hook you up before he leaves.