TP-028, Nat Adderley's Work Song is now available

Author Topic: Announcing Tape Circle!  (Read 7758 times)

Offline MylesAstor

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Announcing Tape Circle!
« on: June 27, 2018, 10:13:15 PM » is proud to announce the launch of the “Audionirvana Tape Circle!”

Audionirvana board members will have access to sampler tapes from several leading labels currently releasing music on 15 ips, 2 track tape.

The first sampler tape was kindly provided by Ed Pong, head honcho at classical label UltraAnalogue and features six selections taken from their most releases.

Coming soon! Releases from Opus 3, Yarlung Records, International Phonograph, Leslie Brooks, BC-Musicale, Entertape and others.

Offer limited to board members and  US audiophiles (at the moment).
Myles B. Astor
Magico S5 Mk. 2/cj ART>cj GAT Series 2 preamp>Doshi 3.0 phono>VPI Vanquish/3D arm/Atlas SL/Ortofon A95 cartridges/SRA Ohio Class XL+2 base>Technics 1506/low ind. FM heads/balanced out/Doshi V3.0 tape stage>Kubala-Sosna Emotion/ Transparent Audio Gen. 5; Viero speaker cables