General Discussion / RMAF
« on: October 06, 2009, 09:04:49 AM »
O my God, where to begin.
What a great time but I blinked and it is gone; except for the memories. LOTS of great sound; which you can undoubtedly read about in the ?press? and blogs. And a very little bit of reel tape.
J-Corder was there with more 1500?s in one place than at anywhere else in time ?cept back at the Technics factory. Beautiful refinishing jobs ? hope they sold a few.
I only found one exhibit with a recorder in residence. I believe it was a local Denver dealer Audio Unlimited, with a modified 1500 playing Project tapes. Outside the door I found Paul S. who had just delivered a demo Jimmy Smith Project tape ("The Sermon" ? TP20). Went back in and listened. Oh my ? Lee Morgan and his trumpet were there. I can understand why Paul indicated that he is ?very happy? with that and the Staples Singers release. Can?t wait to get my own.
Brought my Stellavox and went around to a few rooms to ?audition? a few tapes including the Project Arnold Overtures. When allowed, it proved to be a mixed blessing as the ?front end and medium? exposed problems in most of the systems: restricted dynamic range; lack of (true/controlled) lows or steely highs. The exception was the Orca room where the magnificence of the ?Commonwealth Christmas Overture? astounded all listeners and provoked applause at the end ? each time ? I was held captive there for a while. As I mentioned to Paul, one can think of this selection, played through the right equipment, as (IMnotsoHO) the absolute, BEST ?tool? to demonstrate the weaknesses (dare I say strengths) of a system. Every dealer and manufacturer espousing to be truly high end should consider this Absolute Sound.
Finally ? didn?t run into any Projectapesters at the allotted Saturday 2PM time (gotta get screaming yellow t-shirts) but did meet a few during the course of the show ? great conversations ensued. THANKS as always
What a great time but I blinked and it is gone; except for the memories. LOTS of great sound; which you can undoubtedly read about in the ?press? and blogs. And a very little bit of reel tape.
J-Corder was there with more 1500?s in one place than at anywhere else in time ?cept back at the Technics factory. Beautiful refinishing jobs ? hope they sold a few.
I only found one exhibit with a recorder in residence. I believe it was a local Denver dealer Audio Unlimited, with a modified 1500 playing Project tapes. Outside the door I found Paul S. who had just delivered a demo Jimmy Smith Project tape ("The Sermon" ? TP20). Went back in and listened. Oh my ? Lee Morgan and his trumpet were there. I can understand why Paul indicated that he is ?very happy? with that and the Staples Singers release. Can?t wait to get my own.
Brought my Stellavox and went around to a few rooms to ?audition? a few tapes including the Project Arnold Overtures. When allowed, it proved to be a mixed blessing as the ?front end and medium? exposed problems in most of the systems: restricted dynamic range; lack of (true/controlled) lows or steely highs. The exception was the Orca room where the magnificence of the ?Commonwealth Christmas Overture? astounded all listeners and provoked applause at the end ? each time ? I was held captive there for a while. As I mentioned to Paul, one can think of this selection, played through the right equipment, as (IMnotsoHO) the absolute, BEST ?tool? to demonstrate the weaknesses (dare I say strengths) of a system. Every dealer and manufacturer espousing to be truly high end should consider this Absolute Sound.
Finally ? didn?t run into any Projectapesters at the allotted Saturday 2PM time (gotta get screaming yellow t-shirts) but did meet a few during the course of the show ? great conversations ensued. THANKS as always