The first newsletter linked above is no longer available online (so if you have one, put it up on eBay for big bucks! Vintage! Extremely Rare!!)
So I am posting the text of it here, slightly edited:
These are the instructions for using the test tape published by The Tape Project. The process is similar to what you would do with an alignment tape from a standards lab, but with one or two differences.
Before you begin, the tape machine must be in good mechanical condition. You can never achieve proper playback unless the tape path is working as it was designed, without excessive wear of any parts, including the heads. Additionally everything must be scrupulously clean.
The tape contains tones for setting levels, the EQ curve and azimuth. The levels and EQ are electrical adjustments. Azimuth is a physical adjustment of the relationship between the playback head and the tape. The test tape also has two sections for checking polarity.
You will need meters for doing the basic setup of level and EQ. An oscilloscope is highly recommended for adjusting azimuth, and necessary for using the polarity tone. A popper is necessary to take advantage of the polarity pops. This will be explained in Part 2, the polarity section of these instructions. If your tape machine has VU meters these may be accurate enough for the level and EQ adjustments. If not, you will have to use an external meter.
In most parts of the procedure, it is important that the steps be done in a certain order, as each adjustment builds on one which came before it. So please pay close attention to the sequence of the steps and perform them in the order described. A few of the adjustments interact with others, so occasionally you will be directed to back up and repeat a few steps.
Consult the manual for your machine, and make sure you know where the adjustment points are for level, high frequency EQ, low frequency EQ, and azimuth.
Now, with the preliminaries out of the way, let's begin.
Your test tape is supplied tails out, so please place it on the takeup side of the machine, which is generally on the right. Thread it as required for your machine and rewind it to the beginning. Play the first tone, which is 1Khz. Adjust the output level control to "0" VU or any other convenient reading on your meter.
The second tone is 10Khz. Play it and adjust the high frequency equalizer to the same level you previously set at 1Khz. (This is an example of the order of adjustments being significant. You are setting the HF EQ in relation to the level you set at 1Khz, so obviously the 1Khz must be set first. The same is true when you set the Low Frequency EQ.)
Now it's time to check azimuth. Ideally you will have the two channels feeding an oscilloscope in X-Y mode. Play the 15Khz tone and adjust the azimuth for the highest and steadiest reading on the two VU meters. Be careful—you should not have to move the adjustment very far. If it seems that you have to move it quite a ways, or if the optimum is hard to find, stop and figure out why. Enlist the aid of a technician if necessary. You don't want to get so far out of adjustment that you wind up on one of the false peaks. Then looking at the Lissajous pattern on the oscilloscope, fine adjust the azimuth until the pattern resembles a straight line.
Azimuth can affect the previous adjustments, so wind back to the beginning and repeat the 1KHZ and 10Khz tones, tweaking if necessary. While playing the 10Khz tone, check the Lissajous pattern on your scope. If all is well, it will look as good as the trace at 15Khz did. If it's way off, it is an indication that you got the azimuth onto a false peak (since the two tones are not harmonically related their false peaks won't be at the same place.)
We have provided three frequencies for adjusting the Low Frequency EQ. This is because there are always inconsistencies in the LF range, commonly known as head bumps. Having these three frequencies will allow you to find the best compromise for your machine. As a starting point play the second LF tone, 60 Hz, and set the LF adjustment for the same level you previously set at 1Khz. Then play all three LF tones, noting their readings. If it suggests you may be able to get it flatter overall, try trimming it again, and check the readings of all three tones. Continue until you are satisfied that you have the flattest LF response that you can achieve with this machine.
This completes the alignment for frequency response and azimuth. If you are not going to be checking polarity at this time, wind the tape back to the beginning and hit play. ALWAYS store your test tape (in fact any important tape) flatwound at play speed. This assures that the tension is even within the pack, and that edges are smooth, which will prevent edge damage.
Part 2 will appear in the next issue, and cover the use of the polarity pops included on the Tape Project Alignment Tape.