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Messages - jcmusic

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
Tape Tech / How to Align Otari MX 5050 BII
« on: July 18, 2018, 06:38:39 AM »
My question is how do I go about aligning my deck while having the direct head wiring out to my tape pre? Since I have the deck setup this way I have lost the meter functions, so I need advice on how to align???

Tape Project Machines / Re: Otari 5050 BII With Flux Magnetic Head
« on: May 20, 2017, 11:03:48 AM »
Hi Paul,
It's been a while how are you? I am good, just trying to find out some facts. I got the induction numbers from John French, it comes on the paperwork he provides with the heads. I already have both tape pre's and I am sure a listen will determine the one that match's best. At the same time I wanted to know what these numbers mean in terms of sound quality.

Tape Project Machines / Otari 5050 BII With Flux Magnetic Head
« on: May 20, 2017, 09:30:47 AM »
Ok just curious because I can't remember which tape pre sounds better with this setup? Does anyone know the deHavilland vs the Tube Repro? I notice that the induction is quite different between the stock heads and the flux head, wondering what effect this would have on either tape pre?

Well I see that all the series 3 titles are still not on the table!!! Now
how long has it been since the offer of a discount? I think about 18 months!!! WOW!!!

The Sermon / Re: just got delivery notice for a tape...."The Sermon"?
« on: November 05, 2011, 07:57:14 PM »
It's been alomst 3 weeks I have not heard anything yet, still waiting for a shipping notice!!!


The Sermon / Re: just got delivery notice for a tape...."The Sermon"?
« on: October 14, 2011, 06:52:46 AM »
I wish for my shipping notice!!!


Tape Project Albums - general / Re: Jimmy Smith Tape
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:41:15 PM »
Well it's been about 4 months now since the last word on this tape status, so exactly when can we expect it to start shipping?


Tape Project Albums - general / Re: Jimmy Smith Tape
« on: August 20, 2011, 08:37:39 PM »
Gee Kip,
Ten days and no replys!!! That's terrible!!! I wonder if it's going to be this year?


Raw Tape / Re: Tape Woes
« on: July 28, 2011, 02:21:14 PM »

You should probably try and record onto the tape again. Maybe do a rewind/ff and clean your pinch roller(s) and capstan before you do.
If it works, you may never really know what the issue really was but at least you'll be able to use the tape.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
I threw it into the trash already didn't want to take any chances with it, really weird!!! I got out another tape and recorded it today no problems.


Raw Tape / Re: Tape Woes
« on: July 28, 2011, 06:38:28 AM »
Hi Jay,

Bummer! I hope the it wasn't a "live" recording.

I guess the first question is what kind of tape did you use? My first guess is that there's something wrong with that tape. Sticky? Or maybe the slitting is off so the tape is too wide in spots so it's having a tough time getting through the guides?
HI Steve,
The tape was suppose to be new RMGI 468! Well I check my deck and can find no residue of the tape, so sticky I don't know. It may be off some in certain areas and having a tough time getting through the guides as you suggest, I don't know this is just weird!!!


Raw Tape / Tape Woes
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:19:00 PM »
Well this is the second time I can remember this happing to me, so it's time to find out why!!! Today I was making a recording on my Studer I had made one tape A and was happy with the results. I started on the B tape when I got finished I rewound it for playback to check the recording as I normally do, well it was during this playback I noticed the tape start to sound funny!!! Anyway after the first three songs the tape started sounding like my deck was slowing down and picking up speed (YIKES)!!! I just about went into a panic the first tape was fine this sounded like it was be drug through the heads fighting all the way!!! I check everything all looked and was working properly as far as I could tell. I put on another tape to be sure of what was going on and it sounded perfect!!! Hmm!!! Next I put the B tape on my Otari deck to be sure it wasn't the Studer, and sure enough the tape played like it was in slow motion. anyone else ever had this happen to them??? So what I am saying is it was the tape that was bad about half way through, I can't explain and don't what would cause this!!! Other than the tape formula itself any ideas???


Tape Project Albums - general / Re: Jimmy Smith Tape
« on: May 28, 2011, 09:05:42 AM »
Well it's been a couple months now so where is the Jimmy Smith tape???


Tape Project Albums - general / Jimmy Smith Tape
« on: March 30, 2011, 10:06:05 AM »

What's the latest on this tape, I haven't gotten a tape in six months or so!!!


I've also been very happy with the selections made so far. Of course, there are titles that see much more play time than others but that's because I get hooked on one album for a while and not because I don't like the ones that don't get played as much.

As far as the balance of genres goes, we do have the Suggestion Box forum and I'd say that the releases have tracked the posts there pretty closely.
I can't say how surprised I am how few posts we get in that forum. With some vinyl release series I've seen folks begging for some sort of avenue to make their requests known. We have it here and nobody uses it?!

I can sympathize with JC nevertheless. It would be better for the members to know all the titles before they lay down their hard earned cash no doubt. But, this is a special deal offered to get some cash flow going and the trade off is not knowing the final titles. I'm sure that the principles realize that this isn't for everyone and there's nothing wrong with being one of the members that would prefer to pass on it.
I'm sure that most of us realize that the Tape Project's rule regarding not announcing future titles till all the paperwork is signed is set in stone. I haven't resorted to physical torture but I'm not getting any hints that you guys don't hear.
Well just to clear the air a bit, I never said I didn't like any of the so far titles. What I am saying is that I have laid out the cash in good faith TWICE already, and now there is an offer of a discount to lay it out AGAIN without knowing what the last four titles are!!! I feel this offer should be offered after all ten titles are known for those of us who in the past took the leap of faith!!1

What no one has anything to say???


I've also been very happy with the selections made so far. Of course, there are titles that see much more play time than others but that's because I get hooked on one album for a while and not because I don't like the ones that don't get played as much.

As far as the balance of genres goes, we do have the Suggestion Box forum and I'd say that the releases have tracked the posts there pretty closely.
I can't say how surprised I am how few posts we get in that forum. With some vinyl release series I've seen folks begging for some sort of avenue to make their requests known. We have it here and nobody uses it?!

I can sympathize with JC nevertheless. It would be better for the members to know all the titles before they lay down their hard earned cash no doubt. But, this is a special deal offered to get some cash flow going and the trade off is not knowing the final titles. I'm sure that the principles realize that this isn't for everyone and there's nothing wrong with being one of the members that would prefer to pass on it.
I'm sure that most of us realize that the Tape Project's rule regarding not announcing future titles till all the paperwork is signed is set in stone. I haven't resorted to physical torture but I'm not getting any hints that you guys don't hear.
Well just to clear the air a bit, I never said I didn't like any of the so far titles. What I am saying is that I have laid out the cash in good faith TWICE already, and now there is an offer of a discount to lay it out AGAIN without knowing what the last four titles are!!! I feel this offer should be offered after all ten titles are known for those of us who in the past took the leap of faith!!1


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