Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I hope you don't mind me, as a newbee, asking for some probably obvious answers...
I'm looking into buying a 2 track reel to reel to master my homestudio recordings. I've purchased a Philips 4 track quite some time ago, thinking I'd upgrade when I liked the results. I like the results, so yeah... Upgrade time...
I'm not sure what I have to look for. All I know is I want a 2 track 1/4" that runs 15". I know of the Revox B77HS and Pr99, the Otari MX5050's and the Philips N4522, but I'd like to broaden my search a bit. I'm not looking for the holy grails perse, I'd love to see a Technics 1500 or Akai GX747 in my studio but I doubt I ever will ;) What other 15 ips 1/4" 2 tracks could I look for? Pro decks like the A810 are probably out of my league because of the budget, so I dunno...
Also, I'd like to know... the first Otari MX-5050 (BI if you will), is that worth a look? I can't find any info on it, I don't even know if it records 15 ips... All I see is MkII and III...
I was also thinking, would a 4 track Teac 3440 be worth to look at as a 2 track master recorder (I could theoretically double the stereo signal, no?)