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Author Topic: Water Lily Acoustics  (Read 8291 times)

Offline JoeG

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Water Lily Acoustics
« on: April 06, 2008, 02:35:59 PM »
Almost anything from this label. Sonics are above reproach, music is eclectic, but always very interesting. It seems as though Kavi Alexander is willing to license the masters, given the fact that APO just reissued Ry Cooder/V.M. Bhatt "Meeting by the River" on 45 rpm vinyl.

Alexander is a perfectionist when it comes to the recording chain and mastering process. Using custom built tube mics, decks, mastering. In addition, he uses a minimalist approach to microphone placement, relying a stereo pair to capture the moment.

Those of you with vinyl playback, I strongly recommend giving "Meeting by the River" a listen.
Joe Galbraith
Charter sub #61
J-corder/Bottlehead Technics 1500>King/Cello pre, Bottlehead Seduction, Walker Audio Proscenium Gold Signature TT>Bluelectric Magic Diamond or Allnic Puritas>Allnic H3000 phono/L3000 line>KR Enterprises Antares>Kharma CE 2.2
Silent Source cable, Walker Audio Velocitors

Offline Studer Fool

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Re: Water Lily Acoustics
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 08:45:42 AM »
This is IMHO an excellent suggestion which frankly I've long been expecting someone to make!  There are two themes, if you will, which would lead one here (besides excellent music and recording!) namely the already established Tape Project theme of famous recorders/recordists (particularly the Professor Johnson), but also that the Tape Projects own Paul Stubblebine mastered the CD "Meeting by the River" (which is ostensibly the item which won the Grammy award).  I have that CD and greatly enjoy this music, but I have feared recomending it (and any Water Lily) as it somewhat eclectic relative to more mainstream musical taste. 

The only negative comment I have about that selection is that the playback levels are so low compared to any other CD I have in my player.  I suspect this was a very deliberate decision made by Paul and/or Alexander.  (Care to comment Paul?)  Thus my question/ wondering would be: if this was mastered to tape could the levels be brought up, given that tape overloads so much more gracefully that digital??  In any event an excellent suggestion!  I'd really love having it on R2R tape!  My personal FWIW Highest Recomendation!
Christopher D. Wait
Charter Subscriber SN# 026
Studer A80-VU & Studer A80-RC (and Doc's lovingly modified Ampex 934 with Seduction Tape Head Preamp Combo!)


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Re: Water Lily Acoustics
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 03:25:20 PM »
While we are at it 'In Nature's Realm' would be a most interesting selection with the Philadelphia Orchestra on Water Lily.
It made a great SACD which went out of print way too soon.