Perhaps the person at LAST is not in the know, but they are working up a quote for me to dry and treat 200 tapes.
I just had a few followup questions from LAST on Monday which I responded to.
They also referred to what I took as recent jobs they had performed these services on.
It will be interesting to see what or if they will quote.
Do you think the Project Group discount could fly for their treatment/cleaner?
Who from the Tape Project would be the appropriate party to shepard that along?
Would a poll of members to guage interest be the appropriate first step?
As far as home application of the treatment, I would think a contraption which somewhat resembled the cassette shell component of the felt pad which was used when the tape drive is engaged would give you a firm, yet forgiving surface upon which to exert the necessary pressure to effect the resistance to clean the tape surface.
Unless you could adjust the tension, it would still be a matter of touch, or positioning an articulated arm like device to be able to set the LAST applicator in position.
Anyone know how to contact McGyver?