TP-028, Nat Adderley's Work Song is now available

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Be Altitude: Respect Yourself / Some liner note, uh, notes
« on: April 29, 2014, 06:15:01 PM »
You will notice on the reel A track list that the last "song" is Beatitudes. We have included this as it was shown on the original album artwork. If you look a little more closely you will see that instead of the usual copyright and songwriter attributions there is simply a Biblical reference to Matthew 5:3-10 a.k.a. Beatitudes, which begins ""Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  Apparently this was appended to the tracklist as suggested reading to the listener. Also of note is that the word on the front of the album is Bealtitude. Again we have reproduced this as the original.

Also, mea culpa - The songs Who Do You Think You Are and Are You Sure on reel B have been listed in reverse order on the liner notes. Blessed are the dyslexic for they shall niheret the aerth.

Nat King Cole Sings, George Shearing Plays / They are shipping
« on: January 21, 2014, 07:44:07 PM »
The first batch of TP-024s went out this afternoon. Enjoy!

General Discussion / Albums in stock this week
« on: January 13, 2014, 05:22:16 PM »
Presently we have the following albums in stock:

TP-003 Arnold Overtures
TP-004 Robert Cray, False Accusations
TP-007 Exotic Dances from the Opera
TP-009 Mose Allison, Creek Bank
TP-011 Linda Ronstadt, Heart like a Wheel
TP-012 Staples Singers, Respect Yourself/Be Altitude

Contact Eileen at queen at bottlehead dot com to order an album, or give us a call at 206-451-4275.

Nat King Cole Sings, George Shearing Plays / Just about ready to ship!
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:21:04 PM »
The first of these albums have been recorded and Shawn has been busy engraving reels and preparing the packaging. We should be able to start shipping in the next week or two.

But what I really want to talk about is that if you want to get a sample of the album you have to look no further than Season Five, Episode Eight of Breaking Bad. I nearly choked on my chocolate cake when we were watching it last night and Pick Yourself Up started playing while, well, you should just watch it.

Events / MOVED: Diy STUDER
« on: January 02, 2014, 04:12:34 PM »

Service Resources / Otari MX5050 service
« on: December 06, 2013, 01:10:54 PM »
I spent a very pleasant afternoon with CRT projector guru Curt Palme yesterday. Turns out CRT projectors are not the only abandoned technology he is passionate about. Curt is also well versed in reel to reel having played with them since he was a toddler. I asked if he would be willing to service MX5050s for TP members since there are so few places to get them worked on anymore, and he replied with an enthusiastic yes. Curt is located in Surrey, B.C., and travels down to Seattle often.

We have decided to hold a little soiree here at BHQ on Saturday, December 7th from 3-6p.m. We will be focusing on two specific items. One will be the new Bottlehead DAC prototype. We will run that for most of the open house so everyone can have a listen, and we will also fit in a sneak preview of the upcoming Tape Project TP-024, Nat King Cole Sings and George Shearing Plays, demo'd on our Bottlehead Nagra T-Audio with Tube Repro.

We'll have a bit of nosh and some liquid refreshment, and you are most welcome to bring your favorite adult beverage as well. We're located at 9415 Coppertop Loop NE, Suite 101, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110. We're at the opposite end of the building from Bainbridge Island Brewing Co.

Events / A very special evening with Jacqui Naylor
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:17:19 PM »
My dear friend Jacqui Naylor released a new album in May - Dead Divas Society - featuring covers of her favorite female vocalists' songs. The album was recorded live at my bro Michael Romanowski's studio, Coast Recorders in San Francisco. Jacqui will be touring in the Pacific Northwest to promote the new album this September with pianist, guitarist and husband Art Khu, and drummer Josh Jones. Art and Josh are two high demand jazz artists in the Bay Area Jazz scene, and band have been making great music together for nearly a decade.

We have had the great fortune of Jacqui and the guys carving time out of their crazy schedule to spend an evening with us here at Bottleheadquarters on Sunday September 15, at 7 p.m. Jacqui, Art and Josh will be performing songs from the new album, we'll be serving some adult beverages and some sweets, and you will get to hear some of our best Bottlehead gear in the form of our Bottlehead Tode guitar amp and a special PA system put together just for this event.

I've been to a few of these special shows that Jacqui puts on and they are really fun. Our intimate listening space will make you feel like these consummate musicians are playing right in your own living room. Tickets are $35 and seating is very limited.

You can order tickets at this link:

Bottleheadquarters is at 9415 Coppertop Loop NE, Suite 101, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, just a few minutes drive from the Seattle/Bainbridge Island ferry.

Reel to Reel Tape Machines / Otari MX5050BQII for sale
« on: July 02, 2013, 01:24:24 PM »
Jeff Jacobs of J-Corder fame just called me. He took an Otari MX5050BQII 1/4" four channel deck in on a trade. He is (duh) a Technics guy and would like to offer someone a good deal on this deck to make more space for his restoration jobs. You can contact Jeff at [email protected].

Jeff says the transport and electronics are separate. I'm thinking a person could wire channel 1 and 2 playback head cables together and three and four together, and run those two feeds into an outboard stereo repro amp until the budget allowed for a nice two channel playback head upgrade. I'm running two groups of four tracks wired in series on a 1" 8 track repro head to make it into a 2 channel head and it works well.

The Sidewinder / Starting to pack 'em up!
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:19:42 PM »
We got finished up with TP-022 and we are rolling right into packaging TP-023. Hope to have the first of these shipping by week's end.

Tape Tech / MOVED: Revox c270
« on: May 01, 2013, 03:16:30 PM »

General Discussion / Current state of affairs
« on: April 04, 2013, 01:01:12 PM »
Although it seems to be very quiet regarding the Tape Project, we have actually been very busy. Several issues have come about over the past year that indicated we needed to grow to keep up with what we have taken on with this label. We three principals have been conferencing often and making quite a few changes in the past couple of months.

One change is that we have moved our duplicating setup to a new facility. The equipment was moved at the end of last month and is now in the process of being set up, with the plan to have production back up in the next couple of weeks. We will start by completing the subscriber orders for Willy and the Poor Boys. Then we will do another catch up run of earlier titles and then on to The Sidewinder.

We are also working to move our packaging, shipping and customer service to a new facility, as we are running out of room at Bottleheadquarters. Once we are able to find a suitable location we should be able to improve delivery time of albums by a large margin.

We have quite a few other interesting things cooking, that I will share as things develop a little further.

General Discussion / Is there another Tape Project that is better?
« on: March 17, 2013, 03:01:57 PM »
Perhaps. I sure wish I was the "technical support" guy for this tape project:

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