Wow - youse guys are quick!!
Let's see - from the posts so far I see the following potential test tape:
15ips: 30 sec of 1Khz reference; 60sec 10Khz and 60 sec of 15khz for azimuth adjustment
15 sec each 30, 60, 90, 1K, 10K, 15K all at NAB EQ
same as above at IEC EQ
finally 15 sec of 1K assymetrical
7.5 ips same as above except NO IEC tones
If my addition is right we end up with a tape that is a minimum of around 10 min long which could be expensive. Let's see what MRL says - I will also ask them for suggestions to bring the cost down.
To answer ecir40's question about test equipment, I think you could get by with a "decent" Digital Volt Meter (DVM) HOWEVER you need to look at the accuracy spec for it's high frequency AC response. The simple circuits in many "cheap" meters don't allow for good accuracy above 1Khz or so. For example, my (cheap) old Radio Shack DVM has +-1% accuracy on DC, +-1.8% accuracy on AC up to 1Khz degrading to +-6% above 1Khz! As we are dealing with sine waves here which should have low distortion, the True RMS capability of more expensive meters MAY not be necessary - unless it's the only way to also get accurate high frequency response. To use the meter, you could hook it up to the output RCA jacks of the playback amp.
Doc's posting on how to set azimuth is a good one and of course having/knowing how to use a 2 channel oscilloscope is a real plus as you can "see" what's going on with both channels simultaneously.