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Author Topic: Stereophile Show report #2a  (Read 7621 times)

Offline mstcraig

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Stereophile Show report #2a
« on: May 13, 2007, 09:51:11 PM »
I'd like to give my (relatively) brief synopsis of the show. I am the other guy that Charles referred to as bringing my own tapes to the show to hear. First on Friday-disappointed that the Magico room reel machine was down. It had several problems as noted by the exhibitors. Paul Stubblebine stopped by about 7PM or so to swap it out for a different one, so everyone was asked to leave. I spent most of my time this day in the TAD/Pioneer room. It was always crowded and HOT. Andrew Jones (TAD) did a nice job demoing music and gear. I asked him earlier in the day if I could hear one of the 3 tapes I brought. He said to stop by near the end of the day and he would try to fit me in. I went back about 7:30PM and got to hear tape #1, a 15ips NAB sampler put together by the late Dean Roumanis. It was the final selection played for that day. We played an excerpt of the Rheinberger Organ Concerto No. 2. I apologized to the gathered crowd before playing the selection, stating that it may not sound especially good since it had been baked a few times before (including 2 days before this show!). Early 80's Ampex 456-Yuck! What I heard floored me. The room literally and actually shook when the lowest notes were played. In fact, several people from the corridor outside came into the room to see what the problem was! They thought it was an earthquake! Simply put, it was majestical and visceral in it's power. When the piece finished, I received the only standing ovation of the day from the crowd.  I must say, of all the demo's I have ever requested over the years, this one stands out as the finest of all. I had to fight back tears of joy when it was over, I was that moved. My next report will talk about Saturday.
Craig Sypnier
(Magnepan, VPI, Sumiko, Shure,
Belles Research, ReVox (A-77 and B-77), Scully 280-B, Teac A-2300SD, Nordost)