I would like to say thank you to all of you who have subscribed over the past few weeks. We appreciate your support at this critical stage of the Project. I'm posting this in part because I have been somewhat remiss in keeping touch with Tape Project subscribers as we diving into the production of running masters, setup of our duplicating line and developing new mods for the playback machines.
I plan to correct this oversight in the next week, as we deliver our first newsletter. The newsletter will be sent out to anyone who has expressed interest in the project and/or registered as a member of the Tape Project Forum. It will give folks an update on our progress and some info on future developments - new titles, machine upgrades, etc.
Subscribers will receive a premium version of the newsletter with some added tidbits - technical tips, back story on albums, liner note excerpts, detailed technical info about the recordings, etc.
Once again, thank you so much to those who are showing their support as we get ready to deliver your first albums. We couldn't do this without you!