Tape Tech / Help with Technics RS-1520 playback level calibration issue
« on: March 10, 2017, 03:14:46 PM »
I recently picked up a Technics rs-1520 deck, and am trying to set playback level using the Technics service manual spec and an MRL cal tape. The MRL cal tape is the 250 nWb/m 7.5ips multifreq tape. The deck was originally manufactured to show 0db at 185 nWb/m with balanced output of 1.228 Vrms. When I play the 1KHz tone from the 250 nWb/m tape I measure aabout 2.3Vrms with the VU meters reading a hair over 0db. Should I be adjusting the output voltage to 1.228Vrms, or somehow compensating for the difference in recorded flux density in the output voltage? My instincts are that the greater recorded flux density of the test tape would cause a greater output for a given VU reading, but I'm not sure what or how to adjust here.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.