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Author Topic: Marian McPartland Dies at 95 - 8 albums on B-C Tapes  (Read 5825 times)

Offline astrotoy

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Marian McPartland Dies at 95 - 8 albums on B-C Tapes
« on: August 22, 2013, 05:06:01 PM »
Jazz great Marian McPartland died this week. After recording on several labels, she started her own, Halcyon Records. Barclay-Crocker chose her label as one of those to reissue on their dolby B 4 track reel to reel tapes back in the laete '70's to early '80's. I have 4 of the 8 albums that they released. B-C's output was all classical except for a handful of film music and the 8 Halcyon albums which are all jazz. I think they were all live.

Someone with more knowledge of McPartland and Halcyon may want to comment more.

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