like last year, I've been hired by a high end headphone amp company to demo his amps using my tape rig and Tape Project tapes.
The company is Headamp located in Va and their electrostatic headphone amp is considered by many to be at the top of the heap for amps of that type.
I'll be exhibiting in a dedicated headphone/vinyl sales room called "HeadMasters" which is conveniently located directly behind the show attendees registration desk. HeadMasters is a large room with multiple vendors, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that I'll be the only one with a Technics RS1500/Bottlehead Repro being used as a source.
I'll be there Friday-Sunday and hope to see some of your smiling faces!
I haven't heard, but I would imagine there will be other rooms rolling tape.
BTW, if there is a particular tape from the Tape Project catalog that you're dying to hear, shoot me a PM letting me know which tape and what day you're going to attend. I'll do my best to remember to bring it (by Sunday my brain will be squishier than usual!).