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Messages - RobinMaldonado

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Reel to Reel Tape Machines / Re: Studer tape end sensor lamp repair
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:26:14 AM »
I have been slowly working through a Studer A80 VU 1" machine, getting it set up for playing TP running masters. Among the issues I have found so far is a dead lamp in the tape end switch sensor circuit. Unfortunately Studer made this light rather proprietary by potting the lamp in a tubular steel housing with epoxy. The tube mounts in a special bracket and has a glass lens on the end that is intended to shape the beam, which is reflected into a photosensor when the tape runs out.

A little digging through the manual showed that the lamp drops 2.5V and draws about 350mA. A suitable substitute was found in Mouser PN 606-CM8-374 (Chicago Miniature 8-374). Note that this lamp is only rated for 3000 hours. My hunch is that Studer may have used a lamp rated for more like 10,000 hours, but I was not able to find such a lamp in the correct format. I did, however find a white led light, Mouser PN 828-0VLEW1CB9 that looked like it would work. I ordered a few of each type of lamp.

To replace the bulb I cut the lamp housing from its cable harness and then proceeded to dig as much of the epoxy out of the cut end as possible. Eventually we resorted to a series of drill bits of increasing sizes to get the remains of the epoxy and lamp out. There are a couple of plastic insulating sleeves inside, and those were retained for the new lamp. The bits and pieces of the original lamp that were extracted very closely resembled the Chicago Miniature lamp.

Before installing either lamp permanently I decided to try each one to make sure that it would properly trip the sensor switch at the tape end. Both lamps worked well. I decided to use the LED, hoping that it might outlast the incandescent bulb. Put some heat shrink on each lead and put the lamp in the tube with the original plastic sleeves and a dab of Shoe Goo to hold it in place. After a final soldering of the leads to the original harness and installation in the original mounting bracket the sensor should be good as new.

Nicely done.. I was searching for such information and finally I got it..

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