Thanks for the kind words, Mike. As always it was great to see you. You are always so positive and supportive about what we are doing and by gum, you're a pretty interesting cat to converse with. It was a busy house yesterday, which always makes for a difficult listen. We get together at the Chateau so seldom these days that the conversation gets pretty competitive with the music since folks haven't seen each other in so long. Makes for a really fun party, not for the best critical listening. It was the first time we had a good sized group in the room in this new configuration, and I kept thinking "man this sure isn't how it sounded when I was by myself in the sweet spot last night!". The added bodies really damped down the hf and upper mid energy. I appreciate that experienced ears were present, understanding the limitations of doing a demo in a crowded room. Sounded great after all you guys left ... the guy who was running the system was playing it way loud ;^)>
I really, really appreciate folks like Larry and Kip coming from so far to hear the tapes. It was great to meet the new folks like Kip and Ki and Bob and Ed and great to see old friends like Lew, Richard and Cameron that we seem to need a meeting as an excuse to get together with. And of course thanks to the Bottlehead live crew, PJ, PB, Shawn and Colin of course the Queen for coming to help out. I'll just note that the car and motorcycle show out front was fun too. John's gorgeous Maserati, Lew's 350HP Beemer, Camerons's new Beemer single 650 bike, Bob's cool custom stereo - I've been getting the jones for my midlife crisis-mobile and you guys were killing me.
I tried to extend the invitation where I could at the end of the day yesterday, but I was tending to get pulled three directions at once all day and I know I didn't get to say it to everyone - you are all welcome back to have a listen with just a person or two in the room, who promises to stay quiet at least when the music plays. Just give me a call if you find the time and we can roll as much tape as you can stand.