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Author Topic: Otari MX5050 cap explosion and pcb damage  (Read 4692 times)


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Otari MX5050 cap explosion and pcb damage
« on: November 27, 2016, 06:22:54 PM »
Good afternoon to all of you! I am very happy to be here and discuss all things tape !! :)

I own an Otari MX5050 B2HD that I bought second hand but in a quite good condition in 2004 complete with remote and manual.
It was working pretty good while it was used every now and then. Due to moving to another place, it was left in storage for a bit more than a year in an underground garage(no heating, but the temperatures are quite normal throughout the year). A few months ago I brought it back home and the second time I turned it on I saw something blowing up inside(sparks). I turned it off. I then removed the back panel to check what happened. Turned it back on and BOOM another capacitor(C706) blew, this time THROUGH the PCB. A few others blew too. Yesterday I removed the burnt capacitors and turned the unit back on. The unit powered on and I put on some tape to check whether it is actually working. The capstan was moving normally as I always remebered it but the motors wouldn't move at all. No Play, Rewind, Fast Forward, Nothing. And after a short while, the same capacitor(C706) blew once again, and with it blew the resistors nearby (R712). Another resistor(R708) seems like he took a hit as well, albeit a smaller one. From the schematics I understand that it comes from the power supply. Is there anyone that has any idea on what could the fault be? Thanks a lot!! :)

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Re: Otari MX5050 cap explosion and pcb damage
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2017, 09:32:33 PM »
May I suggest you STOP plugging it in and instead ship to Gustavo who's usually found at
He is a Master with Otari (IMHO)