After a long hiatus the details of which I will not bore you with and thanks to some degree to a post by Xcortes of the attributes of the Technics RS 1500 family of tape decks (modified and stock) I am back.
With Series One and Two full subscriptions which until last week were unopened TP tapes and a recently acquired restored/modified RS 1520 from Jeff at J-Corders I played my first tape in 30 years. It was a tape that Jeff made from my recently acquired deck. I am not crazy enough to risk a $375.00 tape until I get the hang of threading tape around a taco.
None the less sounded might fine; mighty fine indeed.
Nice to finally hear what the fuss is all about.
When I purchased the Cole/Shearing title just before the final price increase Eileen asked me if I was going to play the tapes I had just unboxed.
Sarcasm does not become some people Eileen! On you though it looks pretty good. It must be your delivery. Doc tutoring you I suppose.
Still just a person who enjoys music, not a tech savy type, so I apologize in advance to those who frown on those not in the know. I will try not to hold that against you.
Here's lookin at you Ironbut