hello, My name is Gene.
I've been a long time audio nut, I prefer tubes and turntables, and just got a great deck, a RS 1500.
I know it's not a pro deck, but it's close enough for me.
Back a long time ago, I took a 2 year audio engineering course, and I remember the Neve 16 track desk, and two MCI tape decks, a 16 track and a 2 track deck.
Coming from a technician background, I am impressed with the capstan motor of the technics, and how well it maintains speed. Oh, and that flywheel is massive!
I hope to learn things here, and the first question I have is about someone having a handle on the custom IC's used on the capstan motor board. Are they still available, if so, how much? might not be a bad thing to have some replacements in stock, just in case.