TP-028, Nat Adderley's Work Song is now available

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Messages - Skylab

Pages: [1]
Raw Tape / Re: NOS Ampex branded Quantegy
« on: February 13, 2017, 02:53:16 PM »
Hi Dave,

Supposedly sometime after Quantegy bought the Ampex tape brand, the binder formulation for 456 was changed, and no longer prone to SSS. I have had a couple pancakes of Quantegy 456 that were perfect, no problems at all.  I'm not sure anyone knows though exactly what date the change occurred though. Quantegy 456 is a bit of a crapshoot I'm afraid, and of course Ampex branded 456 is either already bad or going bad.

Raw Tape / Re: Capture Tape
« on: May 24, 2016, 01:02:27 PM »
Actually this tape is not related to Pyral. It's made by the company that used to make tape branded Zonal, but according to Splicit is being done entirely at their direction. From what Roger at Splicit has posted elsewhere it will be less expensive than the Pyral tape, and will be available in 1 mil and 1.5 mil versions.

Interlochen is an arts academy near Traverse City MI. They have lots of concerts every year. Some are by students, some by professionals. Seems like you likely have a recording of one of those concerts.

Suggestion Box / Hey Paul - give us some Blue Oyster Cult, man!!!
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:34:26 AM »
So since Paul did the mastering for several awesome BOC albums, it would sure be nice to get one of those on TP reels! Especially nice would be Fire of Unknown Origin. "Joan Crawford" is my favorite BOC song, but that whole album is great.

Please Paul :)

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