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Author Topic: Beatles pre-records  (Read 7794 times)

Offline steveidosound

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Beatles pre-records
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:24:16 PM »
Kind of surprised this didn't come up.
Since it's Beatlemainia anniversary weekend I thought I would bring it up.
Any people have liked or thought were worth seeking?
Can't claim to own any now. Had the Capitol Magical Mystery Tour from
High School days till the early 90s. I think it was 3 3/4.
Do not recall the sound as being particularly bad
nor good with respect to its equivalent vinyl copy.
At least it was better than the very early cassette of Abbey Road
I also had from when the album was new.
I do wish I still had both today.
Steve Williams

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Offline X-Factor

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Re: Beatles pre-records
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 03:18:21 PM »
Steve, your memory is pretty good. I have a number of Capitol produced first issues from the sixties and most of the Ampex issues from 1970 and find that there is nothing exceptional about the audio quality. Abbey Road from what I recall may be the best Beatles reel for sound quality with ample bass. I last compared two copies of Hey Jude and found each bass shy, however I was listening with a set of speakers that may have been to close together so there could have been some bass cancelation but this was not apparent with other tapes or sources at the time.
There are Canadian issues of the Capitol tapes (all of mine are from the U.S.A.) that I have no experience with.