TP-027, Jerry Garcia / David Grisman wins a Writer's Choice Award from Myles Astor of Positive Feedback Online

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Messages - astrotoy

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Jerry Garcia / David Grisman / Re: Surprise!
« on: August 07, 2015, 10:52:01 PM »
Just listened to the first reel! What a great album!  As most of you know, I rarely stray from classical music (except for Carpenters, Joni Mitchell and a few others.)  I had never heard Jerry Garcia and even thought Dave Grisman was a pianist! (that was probably Dave Grusin).  Anyway, I thought I would sample a little bits of the album, but listened all the way through. First the music is quite delightful - not progressive rock - but more like folk - country music. Both Garcia and particularly Grisman are fine instrumentalists, and Garcia sings in about half the songs, with a pleasant enough voice. The others are instrumentals.  Not sure whether the Grateful Dead sound like this - probably am not adventurous enough to try them out, unless they appear in the Tape Project.

The sonics are very real - I think a close second to the Little Hatch album, which is the most real of all the TP albums so far IMHO. The tapes are very full - almost 30 minutes for each one - the result I am sure of having the original made for CD lengths, even though recorded in analogue.

Those with higher subscription numbers are going to have to wait a bit, but you will have a real treat in store (if you go to the Dagogo show next weekend, Dan will be playing the whole album Saturday night - along with Jacqui Naylor).


Jerry Garcia / David Grisman / Re: Surprise!
« on: August 06, 2015, 05:57:03 PM »
My copy (#45) arrived yesterday! Larry

Afro/American Sketches / Re: TP-026 getting ready to ship!
« on: May 05, 2015, 05:20:41 PM »
Mine arrived yesterday!  Larry

General Discussion / Re: Congratulations on the new Website "look"
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:20:07 PM »
Just used the website today to post. Great look and feel. Colors are like the TP tape boxes - no coincidence I assume :-)  Larry

Prerecorded Tapes / Possible New Classical Tape
« on: February 07, 2015, 09:17:44 PM »
I recently bought an LP from MA Recordings of the Bach Goldberg Variations played by Ito Ema, recorded in 1994 using a Studer A820 at 30ips half inch tape on 3M 996. The LP is great and I asked Todd Garfinkle whether he would consider doing a 15ips 2 track release. The record is about 45 minutes long so it would be 2 reels, much like the TP releases. He said he had been thinking about it, but wanted a sense of how many he would be making and selling. He would make a copy (I believe 30ips 1/2 inch) and then run the copies to sell from the copy, since the original has splices that he would not like to run through multiple times. I suggest that a price around 300-400 would be competitive with most of the tapes that are being sold by TP and others. You can go to the MA Recordings website to learn more.

If you are interested, you can PM me. We classical music fans don't get too many opportunities for 15 ips 2 track these days.

Thanks, Larry

Tape Project Albums - general / Re: TP-024 on eBay
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:17:54 AM »
Noticed the posting is from Russia. Maybe Putin is trying to make some money now that oil prices have tanked!


Sorry, I couldn't make it to the CAS.  Our grandson was born (in LA) the same week as the book's debut in Hong Kong. We just got back from LA on Thursday.  Both the baby and book appear to be doing well. I understand the book and CD's were at a couple of the rooms and there even was a dealer who had a few copies (don't know who). A few people in the US have received their copies from Elusive Disc and maybe other dealers.


Hi Tom, thanks. At this moment, Elusive Disc has the book featured at the top of its home page. They have some in stock now and are filling orders.  I also saw it on the Acoustic Sounds and Music Direct websites. Search under the title Decca:Supreme Stereophonic Legacy, or First Impression Music.

All three are offering 10% off.

I searched the title in google and also found that Amazon and Best Buy are selling it, but with delivery in October and the price at about $300, or $50 above retail and $75 above what the other three are selling it for.


Thanks to all for the kind words. Right now the big three - Elusive Disc, Acoustic Sounds, and Music Direct are carrying the book and CD set for a 10% Pre publication price.  Winston emailed me that the entire stock of CD's which went to the Asia Hi Fi Show in Hong Kong this past week was sold out, so he is have addition runs done for dealers in the US and Europe. Ten copies of the book were reserved for him and the other principals, so I will be getting my copy (haven't gotten one yet) in the next few days.

We'll try to work something out with autographing. 

Hope you enjoy the writing and the music.


As many of you know, about 18 months ago Winston Ma of First Impression Music asked me to write a book about Decca Records and the golden age of stereo (1958-1980).  The book and accompanying 4 CD's is finally out, debuting this week at the Hong Kong Audio Show.  Gary Koh of Genesis Speakers will also have the book and playing the CD's at the California Audio Show next week. Both Elusive Disc and Acoustic Sounds are selling the book at a discounted prepublication price. It should be available in the US sometime later this month.

I had a lot of fun writing the book and the (extensive) liner notes to the CD's. As a point of information, our own Paul Stubblebine did the mastering of the original Decca analogue tapes that FIM first issued about a decade ago.  The 4 CD's contain lengthy excerpts from 17 of the greatest Decca albums, mostly classical, but with a little Mantovani, Edmundo Ros and Stanley Black. No Rolling Stones or Moody Blues.


Events / Re: Listening party at the studio, SF
« on: August 09, 2014, 12:19:00 PM »
Thanks to Romo, Paul, Dan and Eileen for a great time.  Good to see old friends, too. The next day we drove down to LA to await the birth of our grandson who finally came a week ago, 11 days late. We are unable to spin any tapes here, but are babysitting his 3 yo older sister to help our daughter and son-in-law. So far so good.  Again, thanks for a great time.


Events / Re: Listening party at the studio, SF
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:14:19 PM »
Is the Studio still on Mission?  Don't remember the exact address - between 9th and 10th as I remember.   Larry

Thanks, Dan.  I do have a tape baker at home (one of the food dehydrators), bought specifically for baking tapes, not drying fruit. I can bring the tapes with me to the open house for Paul and you to take a look.  I will wait to do anything.


Last month, on my annual sojourn to the UK, I was given several tapes which belonged to long time Decca producer, Christopher Raeburn. I would like to get some advice about checking them out before playing them (worried about sticky shed).

One is in a box labelled Agfa Magnetonband with a label on the box saying 2400 ft PE22 1003 1 (small print says Made in Germany in German, English and French).  There is a Decca Record sticker on the box saying it is recorded at 7.5" p.s. and titled "Rehearsal of Vienna Phil. Orch. Pierre Monteux, with the further notation "Oiseau de Feu (P.M. conducted Premiere) and signed Raeburn. The tape appears to be acetate (that is I can see through the tape held on its side.) Looking up in my Decca data base, there appear to be no recordings that Monteux did of the Firebird with the VPO, although he did one with the Paris Conservatory Orch which was engineered by Decca for RCA. Raeburn did several recordings with Monteux and the VPO in the late '50's, but no Firebird. So this could be a rehearsal that didn't lead to a recording.

There are two other tapes done on Scotch 202, 2400 ft, these were both from a set of 6 rehearsal tapes done of an operatic recital with baritone Tom Krause and conducted by Quadri, with the Vienna Phil. The date is 15 Mai 1967.

I was given these tapes by a dealer in the north of England, whom I am a regular customer. She happens to live near one of the retired Decca engineers who I interviewed for my book, Mike Mailes. I was visiting Mike and his wife, and he drove me to the dealer's home. Mike had worked with Christopher Raeburn and said that he often would have the tapes running to capture rehearsals. Some would be at 7.5 ips to conserve tape. Mike also said they had some issues with Scotch 202 and soon switched to 203.

Any suggestions on how to approach playing the tapes would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Larry

Prerecorded Tapes / Re: Oscar Peterson Tapes
« on: July 02, 2014, 03:06:14 PM »
I just received a big CARE package from Volker with a complete set of the Oscar Peterson Tapes plus their 3 other classical tapes. I'll be spinning them over the next few days.


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