« on: December 08, 2009, 02:04:11 PM »
OK, I finally decided to take my 1500 apart as the "squealing" reappeared and was affecting the breaking action in rewind - like there wasn't any.
So I started talking it apart today to also install some other parts I got from ironbutt.
Took off the takeup motor assembly. unscrewed the three screws at the back of that assembly which seems to "position" the back end of the table shaft. First (working forward from the back) came the metal backplate (with an adjustment screw in the center), then what appears to be some spring-steel thingy which I can only describe as a large washer assembly, and then a "three-armed" plastic spacer. This spacer appears to be some kind of bearing surface; that the ball-bearing, force fit into the back end of the table shaft, seemed to ride against and use as a bearing surface. Instead of it being one piece, it was broken into three pieces or "arms" - undoubtedly "broken" by many years of the ball-bearing-end of the reel table riding/pressing on it. Took off the backplate securing the (other) spooling motor shaft and found the same broken "spacer". I'll bet that they're ALL broken - yours too??
OK - anyone observed this and what did you do about it??? Looks to me like I should fashion a new spacer assembly out of, say, Teflon???
By the way, the brake pad was all "gummed up" with plastic residue from the spinning "collar" on the table assembly. A crefull application of acetone seemed to clean and even rejuvenate it. Will this stop the squealing and restore proper braking action - will find out.