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Topics - stellavox

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Tape Project Machines / Seduction for IEC
« on: July 18, 2007, 06:18:47 AM »

Don't know if this post should go here or in the General category - Anyway -

I've been asked to modify an NAB seduction for IEC.  I remember you posting something on the subject in the Bottlehead forum (before this forum existed) but couldn't find them.  Could you either supply a link to them or discuss your results / parts values / etc.  I do remember you indicating that you couldn't follow the curve exactly.  Thanks



General Discussion / Stereophile Show (Non) Report #3
« on: July 14, 2007, 06:24:10 AM »
I noticed that the August Issue covered the May HE2007 show.  No one mentioned any tapes.

I did get Art Dudley to go into the TAD room; listen to Paul's Demo tapes and was hoping for the best.  But he didn't like the system much - did indicate that the tapes were the best (only?) music he heard in the room. 


General Discussion / Two track Stereo Pre-recorded Tape Index
« on: July 14, 2007, 06:15:55 AM »
Here's a link to my 2007 Update:

If you're not a member you will have to join the group - then click on the "Files" section to find it.

It's a list I began compiling 15 years (or so) ago to help me when I was into collecting these tapes - which were produced between (roughly) 1954 and 1960.

There are many treasures there; but obtaining them today is another matter.   


General Discussion / Stereophile Show Report #1?
« on: May 12, 2007, 01:24:25 PM »
Hi Gang,

Went to the Stereophile show yesterday (Friday).  1500 was not working in the Magico room but did get to hear the system in the TAD/Pioneer room.  Had the distinct pleasure to meet Paul S. there and talk with him afterwards.

Arrived around 10AM for what may have been the first tape demo.  Paul gave a nice overview of the hardware and software associated with the Tape Project.  On the (modified) 1500 was a "demo" tape consisting of selections from perhaps 5 of the first issues.  The TAD/Pioneer rep intermixed various CD formats with the tape and the Arnold Overture won "hands down" as the best music I heard at the show.  I'm buying that tape.  CD formats were way overblown and played WAY too loud - who are we trying to impress here?

When I left, around 7PM, Paul was trying to get the Magico deck working - hope you were successful.  Can't have enough reels - in fact I met one other casuality (like myself) who actually brought some tapes to play. 

Hats off to you gentleman/ladies? involved in the project - and very nice job on the preamp, Doc (need to illuminate those VU meters for that last little bit of pizzazz).  I'd say you all met your pretty high quality sound goal (gold) standards.

Let's see what Art Dudley says (if anything) about his "reel" experience in the TAD room.

General Discussion / Absolute Phase???!!!
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:27:20 PM »
Lat night I was listening to a Benny Goodman master dub sent by a friend and noticed that the wasn't much depth to the image.  As this recording was of a full jazz band recorded in a good hall I assumed there might be something "wrong", so I reversed the polarity of the speaker leads to my Quad 63.s and there was the depth - in spades.

Now I've tried this with CD's before and realized that on my system, absolute phase reversal "shifts" the whole image backwards or forwards but wouldn't effect the relative "depth" of, say an orchestra - so I left the polarity as is ("positive" speaker leads connected to amplifier and speaker "positive")

However the DRAMATIC difference I heard last night got me thinking about (and running to review) other dubs to see if this effect happens on others.  It also got me thinking about the whole absolute phase issue as regards tape decks.  Is/was there any industry standard regarding phase? 

Now I also have to check my various decks to see if there is phase consistency between them - bet I'll find that there is NOT.


General Discussion / Using old tube preamps with "Tape Head" inputs
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:46:53 AM »
Most old (sorry; Vintage)  commercially produced tube preamps had switchable low level inputs to accept both magnetic phono cartridges AND tape heads.  Some, like the Mac's and Marantz had a control on the back which varied the high frequency equalization and could now be adjusted for either NAB or a close approximation of IEC.  They all had those "dreaded" tone controls and/or switchable high and low frequency "turnover" points which enable even more flexibility. 

Anyone tried "interfacing" any of these with a "modern" transport?  Only problem I've run into is low output; reproduce heads of that era had higher inductance and higher output versus the lower impedance, lower output heads designed to be used with transistors.

Let us know!!


General Discussion / "Audiophile" tape decks - Mark Levinson ML-5
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:18:16 AM »
I was looking through some old hi-fi advertising info in my files the other day and came across some Mark Levinson brochures from the early '80s.  In there was a flyer about the ML-5 Master Recorder and it got me to thinking that there never really was a tape recorder produced to "audiophile?" standards.

Levinson liked to record and soon realized that the electronics in the "state of the art" recorders weren't as good as his equipment, so he made them better.  He marketed his hybrid product as the ML-5 and used a Studer A80 transport (he actually started with the Stellavox TD88 but that fell through for some reason) with his own R/P electronics and regulated power supply.

Don't know how many he sold.  I knew of one in Chicago, and saw the original? at the Levinson factory (MIddletown, CT) during the viewing before the operation was auctioned in the mid 80's.  Had a pile of (master?) tapes with it.  Had I been smarter (and had a lot more money) it might be sitting in my living room - Oh well.  Don't know what happened to either it or the tapes.

Here's a link to the ML-5 brochure - interesting reading:


Want to offer to do the above mentioned services.  Have done repair / mods / upgrades for 30 years now on many brands of decks including Ampex; Studer and Technics.  Specialize in Stellavox.

By "integration" I mean adapting one type of playback or record/playback electronics to work with a different transport - which is what stimulated Doc's interest in this tape project in the first place.

Pictures of a Stellavox SR-8 undergoing a "switchectomy" and my latest personal playback/dubbing setup using modified MCI JH-110's are attached.

Charles King
[email protected] 

Suggestion Box / Test tones on ALL tape releases??
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:40:07 AM »

I may have missed this topic and you may already have it covered - if so I apologize.  I feel it is imperative for you to put (mono, 1Khz?) channel balance and say 3 test tones (100hz, 1K and 10K) at the beginning of EVERY tape, so the customer can check the channel balance and (rough) EQ of their machine.  On second thought, put it at the end of the tape.


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