That logo is cool isn't it. It was designed for us by a good friend of Michael's named Brad Talbott. And yes Paul and Michael and I are equal partners in this deal. Everyone has been cranking on whatever is necessary to get stuff going. Along with producing Jacqui's album Michael has been concentrating on the custom reels and now packaging. Paul has spearheaded the acquisition of the other titles, and of course is the resident expert on old school tape mastering techniques. So he is in charge of producing the running masters and makes the decisions on tape stock, EQ, etc. I'm the hardware and marketing guy, so I build gear, work up the machine modifications, etc., and run the websites - which is why you see a little more of me than the other guys here.
We all put on whatever hat we can to help the project move forward. I've been working on printing the cover art on high quality art paper. Michael made the cool bloodwood side panels for the machine we demoed with at CES. Paul has written the bulk of the copy for the webpages. So we all rotate around to different aspects of the biz, which makes it a lot more fun.