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Author Topic: modify otari mx5050 in los angeles  (Read 3898 times)

Offline mbgr199

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modify otari mx5050 in los angeles
« on: June 29, 2010, 06:24:59 PM »
Hi all,
I would like to know any shop in los angeles area or near by (50 miles radius) can modify the otari per the tape project specification?
for now, I just plan to play only the tapes that I have; is it worth to modify the machine?

Offline astrotoy

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Re: modify otari mx5050 in los angeles
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2010, 02:05:01 AM »
I have a MX5050 B3 and it plays TP tapes fine.  All you need to do is change the switch on the back panel to play IEC OR CCIR Equalization and then play at 15 ips 2 track and you are good to go.  I and some others on the Forum think the 5050 plays pretty well with the stock electronics.  However, they are not as good , IMHO, as the Bottlehead Repro - which I have on my Bottlehead modded Technics 1500 series.  But as an excellent start to the glories of the TP tapes, the 5050 works fine.   Good Luck.  Larry
Larry Toy CharterMember-BHReproTechnics1506/Akai747dbx/OtariMX5050B3-ClassicalVinylFreak-15Krecs-VPIHRXRimDrv-LyraSkala-HelikonMono-HerronVTSP3A/BHPhonoPre-PacificMicrosonics Model2 - Pyramix&MykerinosCard-OppoNE-Proceed AVP2+6/CVP2-CJ MET1-Cary 2A3SE-AvantgardeDuos-3Solos-VelodyneDD18Sub

Offline astrotoy

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Re: modify otari mx5050 in los angeles
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2010, 09:43:32 PM »
One more thing, if you have a 4 head head block with a 2/4 track switch on it (under the cover of the head block - then you have to switch to the 2 track setting to play TP tapes. So it is CCIR or IEC EQ on the back, 2 track and high speed (15 ips) on the front.  That should do it for your 5050.  Larry
Larry Toy CharterMember-BHReproTechnics1506/Akai747dbx/OtariMX5050B3-ClassicalVinylFreak-15Krecs-VPIHRXRimDrv-LyraSkala-HelikonMono-HerronVTSP3A/BHPhonoPre-PacificMicrosonics Model2 - Pyramix&MykerinosCard-OppoNE-Proceed AVP2+6/CVP2-CJ MET1-Cary 2A3SE-AvantgardeDuos-3Solos-VelodyneDD18Sub