« on: April 26, 2012, 05:41:06 PM »
Are there any other users of this Tascam tape deck? I would just like to communicate with other users if possible. By the way does anyone know of colorful NAB HUB ADAPTERS that will work with this particular tape deck? I would like to dress it up a little. Thanks much.
Bob Williams
« Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 05:51:39 PM by rbwtapeinterlink »

Bob W. (African American) VPI, Ref Standard Grado, Denon 103r, Threshold, DecWare tube pre and Classe pre amp, Jolida tube phono pre amp, (Peter Gunn) modified Magnapan 1.6, Tascam 32-2B & 42B tape decks, Parasound belt drive CD transport, Pacific Valve tube DAC, VPI TT, various upscale cables.